Noticed a few posts on Oracle forums about FND Attached Documents i.e. Oracle Applications/eBusiness Suite Attachments. Thought I'd post some unsupported code here just for reference, and a query for getting the attachments (text/documents) themselves.
How to attach a "Web Page" URL attachment to a Payables Invoice via FND Document Attachment Private API.
To use this code there are a few things that you'll need to change:- In the fnd_global call change the variables to your required user_id, resp_id, resp_appl_id, or comment the call if not needed see my post if you're unsure of this
- The l_pk1_value which is ap_invoices_all.invoice_id
- The l_filename and l_description variables
- Possibly l_category_id: create an real example, check out examine and find the category_id you need to use.
- Remember to commit!
- Updated 6-Mar-2012: This code has been tested against, 12.0 and 12.1 (code differences noted in comments - only queries tested for R12.0/12.1), if you have a different version this may have changed. Note this is a customization via a private API so is unsupported.
declare l_rowid rowid; l_attached_document_id number; l_document_id number; l_media_id number; l_category_id number := 291; -- Invoice Internal l_pk1_value fnd_attached_documents.pk1_value%TYPE := '63227'; l_description fnd_documents_tl.description%TYPE := 'Gareth Document Attach Demo'; l_filename fnd_documents_tl.file_name%TYPE := ''; l_seq_num number; begin -- Setup applications session -- User = OPERATIONS -- Resp = Payables, Vision Operations -- App = Payables fnd_global.apps_initialize(1318,50554,200); select FND_DOCUMENTS_S.nextval into l_document_id from dual; select FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS_S.nextval into l_attached_document_id from dual; select nvl(max(seq_num),0) + 10 into l_seq_num from fnd_attached_documents where pk1_value = l_pk1_value and entity_name = 'AP_INVOICES'; fnd_documents_pkg.insert_row ( X_ROWID => l_rowid , X_DOCUMENT_ID => l_document_id , X_CREATION_DATE => sysdate , X_CREATED_BY => fnd_profile.value('USER_ID') , X_LAST_UPDATE_DATE => sysdate , X_LAST_UPDATED_BY => fnd_profile.value('USER_ID') , X_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN => fnd_profile.value('LOGIN_ID') , X_DATATYPE_ID => 5 -- Web Page , X_CATEGORY_ID => l_category_id , X_SECURITY_TYPE => 2 , X_PUBLISH_FLAG => 'Y' , X_USAGE_TYPE => 'O' , X_LANGUAGE => 'US' , X_DESCRIPTION => l_description , X_FILE_NAME => l_filename , X_MEDIA_ID => l_media_id ); fnd_documents_pkg.insert_tl_row ( X_DOCUMENT_ID => l_document_id , X_CREATION_DATE => sysdate , X_CREATED_BY => fnd_profile.value('USER_ID') , X_LAST_UPDATE_DATE => sysdate , X_LAST_UPDATED_BY => fnd_profile.value('USER_ID') , X_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN => fnd_profile.value('LOGIN_ID') , X_LANGUAGE => 'US' , X_DESCRIPTION => l_description , X_FILE_NAME => l_filename , X_MEDIA_ID => l_media_id ); fnd_attached_documents_pkg.insert_row ( X_ROWID => l_rowid , X_ATTACHED_DOCUMENT_ID => l_attached_document_id , X_DOCUMENT_ID => l_document_id , X_CREATION_DATE => sysdate , X_CREATED_BY => fnd_profile.value('USER_ID') , X_LAST_UPDATE_DATE => sysdate , X_LAST_UPDATED_BY => fnd_profile.value('USER_ID') , X_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN => fnd_profile.value('LOGIN_ID') , X_SEQ_NUM => l_seq_num , X_ENTITY_NAME => 'AP_INVOICES' , X_COLUMN1 => null , X_PK1_VALUE => l_pk1_value , X_PK2_VALUE => null , X_PK3_VALUE => null , X_PK4_VALUE => null , X_PK5_VALUE => null , X_AUTOMATICALLY_ADDED_FLAG => 'N' , X_DATATYPE_ID => 5 , X_CATEGORY_ID => l_category_id , X_SECURITY_TYPE => 2 , X_PUBLISH_FLAG => 'Y' , X_LANGUAGE => 'US' , X_DESCRIPTION => l_description , X_FILE_NAME => l_filename , X_MEDIA_ID => l_media_id ); end; /
Where to the actual attachments/documents get stored for attachments?
Here are some queries to get back the Payables Invoice attachments of category "Invoice Internal" for a given invoice. Attachments of type Web Page (URL or Filename)select fad_f.seq_num , fdt_f.file_name media_data_text from fnd_attached_documents fad_f , fnd_documents fd_f , fnd_documents_tl fdt_f , fnd_document_categories_tl fdct_f where 1 = 1 and fad_f.document_id = fd_f.document_id and fad_f.document_id = fdt_f.document_id and fdct_f.category_id = fd_f.category_id and fdct_f.user_name = 'Invoice Internal' and fd_f.datatype_id = 5 and fad_f.entity_name = 'AP_INVOICES' and fad_f.pk1_value = '63227';Attachments of type "Long Text"
select fad_f.seq_num , fdlt_f.media_id media_id , fdlt_f.long_text media_data_text from fnd_attached_documents fad_f , fnd_documents fd_f , fnd_documents_tl fdt_f , fnd_document_categories_tl fdct_f , fnd_documents_long_text fdlt_f where 1 = 1 and fad_f.document_id = fd_f.document_id and fad_f.document_id = fdt_f.document_id and fdct_f.category_id = fd_f.category_id and fdt_f.media_id = fdlt_f.media_id /* R11i */ -- and fd_f.media_id = fdlt_f.media_id /* R12 */ and fdct_f.user_name = 'Invoice Internal' and fad_f.entity_name = 'AP_INVOICES' and fad_f.pk1_value = '63227';Attachments of type "Short Text"
select fad_f.seq_num , fdst_f.media_id media_id , fdst_f.short_text media_data_text from fnd_attached_documents fad_f , fnd_documents fd_f , fnd_documents_tl fdt_f , fnd_document_categories_tl fdct_f , fnd_documents_short_text fdst_f where 1 = 1 and fad_f.document_id = fd_f.document_id and fad_f.document_id = fdt_f.document_id and fdct_f.category_id = fd_f.category_id and fdt_f.media_id = fdst_f.media_id /* R11i */ -- and fd_f.media_id = fdst_f.media_id /* R12 */ and fdct_f.user_name = 'Invoice Internal' and fad_f.entity_name = 'AP_INVOICES' and fad_f.pk1_value = '63227';Attachments of type "File"
select fad_l.seq_num , fl_l.file_id media_id , fl_l.file_data media_data_blob from fnd_attached_documents fad_l , fnd_documents fd_l , fnd_documents_tl fdt_l , fnd_document_categories_tl fdct_l , fnd_lobs fl_l where 1 = 1 and fad_l.document_id = fd_l.document_id and fad_l.document_id = fdt_l.document_id and fdct_l.category_id = fd_l.category_id and fdt_l.media_id = fl_l.file_id /* Release 11i */ -- and fd_l.media_id = fl_l.file_id /* Release 12 */ and fad_l.entity_name = 'AP_INVOICES' and fdct_l.user_name = 'Invoice Internal' and fad_l.pk1_value = '63227';Update: Added extra line to file query for R12. Update: In case anyone needs to delete any attachments here's an example (thanks to Mark L):
declare l_entity_name varchar2(20):= 'PO_LINES'; -- This defines the PO_LINES entity l_pk1_value varchar2 (20) := '200487'; -- PO_LINE_ID items are attached to l_delete_document_flag varchar2 (1) := 'Y'; -- Delete the document begin --fnd_global.apps_initialize(0,20420,1); -- SYSADMIN System Administrator fnd_attached_documents2_pkg.delete_attachments ( X_entity_name => l_entity_name , X_pk1_value => l_pk1_value , X_delete_document_flag => l_delete_document_flag ); end; / commit;Happy Attaching!